Best practice

what does it mean for usability testing that people learn technologies by asking other people around them?

Usability testing differs from real user experience by isolating the user. This can be fixed by allowing the subject to contact other people. Another way to get around this is to test groups of people that usually work together.

with real users testing we are able to improve websites greatly. best designs are going to be usability tested.

best practice? doesn’t work.

usability testing works better by focusing on your audience. Reducing the number of steps and focusing on the next step.


You are college sophomore living at the dorms. The semester is about to be done and you need to move out of the dorms. You have two days to move out all your stuff from the dorms. Your lease in Crimson park doesn’t start until next week. Your friend said you can stay with him but he doesn’t have enough space for your stuff. You will need to rent a storage room for the week. You will also need to rent a truck to take your stuff to the storage. You can only afford $ 120. Find a the right size truck and storage unit on this website.

Ted Talks

1-Part of the reason these Tedtalks are so popular is because they combine both information and entertainment. Another reason I think they are so popular is because they are talking about topics that are not so mainstream.

2-Some of the speakers were using footage from the ocean. Others were using pictures

3-They all keep their audiences engaged.

4-I do think all these people are good speakers. Very effective at conveying information while keeping the audience engaged.

5-Most memorable piece was probably in the form of some media

wicked scenario 2

Subject line: Cockroaches problem still not solved

Hello Landlord,

Hope you are having a good day. Since the last time you sent the exterminator the situation didn’t change much. I thought at first insecticides might take a while before becoming effective, but now, a month later, there are actually more cockroaches then when I first moved in. I demand that you find a solution to this problem by the end of next week or else I might have to break the lease.

I chose this subject line to imply that the problem should have been solved by now but it still hasn’t.
Letting my landlord know that I didn’t take action right away, hoping that the problem would get solved without me having to talk to him, gives my letter more value (can’t explain why but I just feel like it does somehow)
Telling him that there are (more) cockroaches now then before Indicates that the situation is getting worse. Which gives me a good cause to break the lease.