wicked scenario 2

Subject line: Cockroaches problem still not solved

Hello Landlord,

Hope you are having a good day. Since the last time you sent the exterminator the situation didn’t change much. I thought at first insecticides might take a while before becoming effective, but now, a month later, there are actually more cockroaches then when I first moved in. I demand that you find a solution to this problem by the end of next week or else I might have to break the lease.

I chose this subject line to imply that the problem should have been solved by now but it still hasn’t.
Letting my landlord know that I didn’t take action right away, hoping that the problem would get solved without me having to talk to him, gives my letter more value (can’t explain why but I just feel like it does somehow)
Telling him that there are (more) cockroaches now then before Indicates that the situation is getting worse. Which gives me a good cause to break the lease.